Shunshun, who worked as an architect between 2003 and 2011, changed careers and began drawing in 2012. His drawings are all done with his favorite tool, the Uniball Signo gel pen and most of them are black and white (some are blue and white), with shading and detailing all done with the Signo. Shunshun’s drawings are amazingly detailed and intricate and usually depict peaceful and serene landscapes and scenes of nature. His artworkgoesperfectly with continuous nature of washi tape and looks beautifuladdedas a finishing detail on a letter, note, border of a journal page or other paper stationery you would like to make look extra beautiful.
- 15mmx7m
- More Classiky x Shunshun
About Classiky:
Started in 1982, Classiky is based in Kurashiki, a town in Japan’s Okayama prefecture. On top of doing many collaborations with artists and artisans from town factories across Japan, Classiky has its own line of lifestyle products that celebrates traditional handiwork and combines old school craftsmanship with items designed for everyday living today. Their unique and quirky goods are handmade in a traditional fashion and are eye-catching even in the most special settings.
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