The latest releasesfrom the Sailor Shikiori Inks areinspired by traditional Japanesefairy tales that associates withthefour seasons respectively. They are also designed as companion inks to theShikiori Pro Gear Slim Fairy Tale series. The four fairy tale ink colors include: Tama-tebako(), Kasasagi(), Sube-rakashi(), and Kazakiri-bane().
Tamatebako() stands for jeweled hand box, which is a treasure box given to Urashima Tarofrom the princess of the Dragon Palace. The subdued navy reminds people of thefantasyUrashima Taro experienced underwater. Kasasagi() means magpie, which represents the magpie bridge whereShokujo(Vega Star) is supposed to meet Kengyu(Herdboy Star) on Tanabata festival every summer. The dark teal perfectly interprets the feather colors of the flock. Sube-rakashi() stands for dangling hair, and the ink color illustrates the scene when moonlight glistens on the hair of Princess Kaguya, the princess foundina shining bamboo stalk, and eventually returned to her otherworldly palaceon Moon Festival. Kazakiri-bane()embodiesthe tale Crane’s Return of a Favorand symbolizes the feather color of the departing craneon awinter day.
- Sailor ShikioriTama-tebakoInk
- 20mL
- Available in 24 colors:Shitoshito,Zaza,Harahara,Potsupotsu,Shigure,Tokiwa-matsu,Nioi-sumire,Miruai,Souten,Doyou,Yamadori,Okuyama,Irori,Yuki-akari,Waka-uguisu,Sakura-mori,Fuji-sugata,Rikyucha,Kin-mokusai,Chu-shu,Yozakura,Yodaki,Yonaga,Shimoyo
- Available inInk Sample – Sailor Shikiori
- More Sailor
About Sailor:
Sailor was founded in 1911. The founder Kyugoro Sakata was given a fountain pen by a friend returning from the UK after studying at the Royal Navy. Hewas inspired and determined to start making fountain pens in Japan. Sailor became the first fountain pen company in Japan, and earned many more firsts in Japan — first ballpoint pen in 1948, first ink cartridge in 1954 and first brush pen in 1972, etc.
In the 1970’s, Sailor made a popular beginner fountain pen, “Candy,” that sold more than 15 million within a few years. However, the number of the fountain pen users were declining as ballpoint pens became more mainstream.
In 1981, Sailordecided to go in the opposite direction from their “Candy” pen and began focusing onproducing a higher standard series, which is the 1911 series we see today. Their focus on making a higher standard provides a great foundation for their later series of pens. Today, Sailor makes one of the most diverse lines of nibs, some of which are designed forspecificwriting purposessuch as writing musical notes toone that is best for character writing.
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